PUZZLE 4.0.2 Type of analysis: tree reconstruction Parameter estimation: approximate (faster) Parameter estimation uses: neighbor-joining tree (for substitution process and rate variation) Standard errors (S.E.) are obtained by the curvature method. The upper and lower bounds of an approximate 95% confidence interval for parameter or branch length x are x-1.96*S.E. and x+1.96*S.E. SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT Input data: 31 sequences with 896 amino acid sites Number of constant sites: 4 (= 0.4% of all sites) SUBSTITUTION PROCESS Model of substitution: JTT (Jones et al. 1992) Amino acid frequencies (estimated from data set): pi(A) = 7.7% pi(R) = 5.0% pi(N) = 4.4% pi(D) = 6.0% pi(C) = 1.0% pi(Q) = 3.5% pi(E) = 7.9% pi(G) = 6.1% pi(H) = 2.4% pi(I) = 6.5% pi(L) = 10.7% pi(K) = 7.7% pi(M) = 2.3% pi(F) = 4.5% pi(P) = 3.2% pi(S) = 5.4% pi(T) = 4.4% pi(W) = 0.9% pi(Y) = 4.0% pi(V) = 6.4% RATE HETEROGENEITY Model of rate heterogeneity: uniform rate SEQUENCES IN INPUT ORDER 5% chi-square test p-value Methanobac failed 0.33% [111] Methanococ failed 0.00% [81] Archaeoglo failed 3.41% [119] Helicobact failed 2.76% [151] Campylobac passed 9.08% [310] Aquifex failed 0.00% [155] Mycoplasma failed 0.00% [167] Mycoplasm2 failed 0.00% [217] Thermotoga passed 37.76% [176] Bacillus passed 38.91% [152] Corynebact failed 0.00% [156] Mycobacter failed 0.00% [177] Saccharomy passed 99.11% [77] Schizosacc passed 80.46% [111] Saccharom2 failed 0.63% [110] Ecoli failed 0.57% [99] Haemophilu passed 40.68% [115] Cricetulus passed 52.84% [110] Homosapien passed 93.65% [127] Celegans passed 26.39% [133] Arabidopsi passed 31.45% [106] Arabidops2 passed 90.52% [105] Chlamydoph passed 24.22% [120] Chlamydia failed 0.05% [135] Synechocys failed 0.24% [123] Buchnera failed 0.00% [272] Pyrococcus failed 1.01% [124] Deinococcu failed 0.22% [275] Rickettsia passed 14.47% [223] Treponema failed 0.01% [118] Borrelia failed 0.00% [181] The chi-square tests compares the amino acid composition of each sequence to the frequency distribution assumed in the maximum likelihood model. Warning: Result of chi-square test may not be valid because of small maximum likelihood frequencies and short sequence length! The number in square brackets indicates how often each sequence is involved in one of the 1159 completely unresolved quartets of the quartet puzzling tree search. IDENTICAL SEQUENCES The sequences in each of the following groups are all identical. To speed up computation please remove all but one of each group from the data set. All sequences are unique. MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD DISTANCES Maximum likelihood distances are computed using the selected model of substitution and rate heterogeneity. 31 Methanobac 0.00000 0.88172 1.03419 1.94391 1.31341 1.86555 2.28865 2.36536 1.69264 1.73197 1.83917 2.02830 2.27513 2.25094 2.38987 2.16218 2.14985 2.69173 2.71778 2.65730 2.51594 2.46208 2.36485 2.35403 2.32222 2.25139 1.29158 1.87053 2.12896 1.85151 1.96671 Methanococ 0.88172 0.00000 0.95783 2.22639 1.15303 1.72598 2.40325 2.39404 1.75982 1.71369 1.82300 1.95569 2.15032 2.18687 2.48787 2.11796 2.14158 2.57241 2.56778 2.60580 2.57893 2.51165 2.57748 2.55462 2.22107 2.03687 1.25047 2.11814 2.09787 2.00463 1.94201 Archaeoglo 1.03419 0.95783 0.00000 1.96550 1.30084 1.76083 2.38281 2.38665 1.76077 1.80599 1.89469 2.02193 2.09069 2.04552 2.14871 2.03730 2.03889 2.49474 2.53982 2.56243 2.33134 2.27928 2.35308 2.44695 2.12513 2.00049 1.36111 1.89975 2.09408 1.97836 1.94948 Helicobact 1.94391 2.22639 1.96550 0.00000 0.93745 1.24108 1.70966 1.76608 1.61283 1.39207 1.61329 1.65700 2.98762 2.76871 3.16634 2.69207 2.66251 2.68400 2.69846 2.93154 2.80121 2.82449 2.40577 2.37372 2.65991 2.15453 2.23463 2.95914 1.70988 2.79462 2.78397 Campylobac 1.31341 1.15303 1.30084 0.93745 0.00000 0.99953 1.12561 1.28924 1.64446 1.47382 1.51998 1.55629 2.36765 2.33732 2.36185 2.17920 2.21017 2.09741 2.18714 2.60382 2.22992 2.26015 2.11478 2.04701 2.31986 2.09630 1.33347 1.61918 1.23258 2.43100 1.75250 Aquifex 1.86555 1.72598 1.76083 1.24108 0.99953 0.00000 1.61661 1.57660 1.10333 1.09315 1.25475 1.34473 2.61748 2.55781 2.76441 2.32192 2.37297 2.67504 2.72066 2.77278 2.60535 2.63135 2.48390 2.57963 2.35250 2.73566 2.13377 3.05496 1.44175 2.47056 2.61989 Mycoplasma 2.28865 2.40325 2.38281 1.70966 1.12561 1.61661 0.00000 0.49978 1.79546 1.61143 1.82002 1.79410 3.28468 3.13290 3.03100 2.91497 2.81873 3.31074 3.29729 3.20200 3.37285 3.37034 3.40810 3.28587 3.00417 2.33635 2.48059 3.68562 2.00597 2.95307 2.83648 Mycoplasm2 2.36536 2.39404 2.38665 1.76608 1.28924 1.57660 0.49978 0.00000 1.82702 1.58624 1.82545 1.84441 3.23775 3.20904 3.14856 2.84438 2.83859 3.16575 3.22198 3.21542 3.06479 3.12467 3.22368 3.17939 2.84103 2.22277 2.68187 3.63280 2.06651 2.85564 2.74831 Thermotoga 1.69264 1.75982 1.76077 1.61283 1.64446 1.10333 1.79546 1.82702 0.00000 0.98911 1.26144 1.34967 2.45816 2.60358 2.73091 2.19621 2.15110 2.58796 2.66226 2.68782 2.45103 2.47516 2.54026 2.52493 2.27491 2.08073 2.10232 2.77243 1.59483 2.30043 2.24023 Bacillus 1.73197 1.71369 1.80599 1.39207 1.47382 1.09315 1.61143 1.58624 0.98911 0.00000 1.07134 1.15509 2.36755 2.47188 2.66125 2.25005 2.19564 2.26939 2.35999 2.43880 2.43888 2.49311 2.31143 2.31287 2.28483 2.04048 2.04258 3.12965 1.28561 2.26825 2.22202 Corynebact 1.83917 1.82300 1.89469 1.61329 1.51998 1.25475 1.82002 1.82545 1.26144 1.07134 0.00000 0.50266 2.34632 2.41433 2.57489 2.22230 2.23066 2.50925 2.61229 2.57257 2.52291 2.53236 2.67052 2.73598 2.22721 2.42584 2.06117 2.95466 1.45821 2.26021 2.18796 Mycobacter 2.02830 1.95569 2.02193 1.65700 1.55629 1.34473 1.79410 1.84441 1.34967 1.15509 0.50266 0.00000 2.51423 2.36535 2.75292 2.23981 2.37945 2.62052 2.71595 2.98650 2.58876 2.49112 2.56403 2.59489 2.33168 2.30318 2.30995 3.24900 1.57409 2.29675 2.44139 Saccharomy 2.27513 2.15032 2.09069 2.98762 2.36765 2.61748 3.28468 3.23775 2.45816 2.36755 2.34632 2.51423 0.00000 0.57810 0.59914 1.73950 1.66885 2.10424 2.20985 2.23102 2.09565 2.01404 1.91711 1.99093 1.93088 1.79263 2.12479 3.22709 2.72972 1.86707 2.05703 Schizosacc 2.25094 2.18687 2.04552 2.76871 2.33732 2.55781 3.13290 3.20904 2.60358 2.47188 2.41433 2.36535 0.57810 0.00000 0.80966 1.89624 1.86549 2.14017 2.21408 2.34920 2.15238 2.12923 2.09670 2.14620 1.95799 1.86139 2.32578 3.13384 2.89443 1.87373 2.16405 Saccharom2 2.38987 2.48787 2.14871 3.16634 2.36185 2.76441 3.03100 3.14856 2.73091 2.66125 2.57489 2.75292 0.59914 0.80966 0.00000 1.90023 1.83537 2.30562 2.48150 2.42342 2.20195 2.12257 2.10860 2.14875 2.06378 1.90895 2.33123 2.90253 2.94325 1.89626 1.99306 Ecoli 2.16218 2.11796 2.03730 2.69207 2.17920 2.32192 2.91497 2.84438 2.19621 2.25005 2.22230 2.23981 1.73950 1.89624 1.90023 0.00000 0.36716 1.24241 1.27824 1.31948 1.22813 1.25623 1.16411 1.15332 1.00060 1.14333 1.82609 2.86498 2.70721 2.11402 2.25692 Haemophilu 2.14985 2.14158 2.03889 2.66251 2.21017 2.37297 2.81873 2.83859 2.15110 2.19564 2.23066 2.37945 1.66885 1.86549 1.83537 0.36716 0.00000 1.28016 1.32273 1.23227 1.19142 1.21445 1.17647 1.17382 0.97850 1.05761 1.81031 2.75584 2.55929 2.19295 2.20329 Cricetulus 2.69173 2.57241 2.49474 2.68400 2.09741 2.67504 3.31074 3.16575 2.58796 2.26939 2.50925 2.62052 2.10424 2.14017 2.30562 1.24241 1.28016 0.00000 0.13020 0.82092 1.01124 0.95377 1.09194 1.09731 0.97273 1.37444 2.38003 3.26169 2.85486 2.35929 2.42866 Homosapien 2.71778 2.56778 2.53982 2.69846 2.18714 2.72066 3.29729 3.22198 2.66226 2.35999 2.61229 2.71595 2.20985 2.21408 2.48150 1.27824 1.32273 0.13020 0.00000 0.86334 1.05781 0.99959 1.15804 1.16197 1.06035 1.35515 2.45311 3.30493 2.98562 2.40214 2.52512 Celegans 2.65730 2.60580 2.56243 2.93154 2.60382 2.77278 3.20200 3.21542 2.68782 2.43880 2.57257 2.98650 2.23102 2.34920 2.42342 1.31948 1.23227 0.82092 0.86334 0.00000 1.20125 1.14748 1.27234 1.18968 1.07466 1.48006 2.40008 3.09435 2.80734 2.47713 2.51193 Arabidopsi 2.51594 2.57893 2.33134 2.80121 2.22992 2.60535 3.37285 3.06479 2.45103 2.43888 2.52291 2.58876 2.09565 2.15238 2.20195 1.22813 1.19142 1.01124 1.05781 1.20125 0.00000 0.13282 1.15351 1.16432 0.93316 1.61411 2.30123 3.31321 3.25594 2.30236 2.46584 Arabidops2 2.46208 2.51165 2.27928 2.82449 2.26015 2.63135 3.37034 3.12467 2.47516 2.49311 2.53236 2.49112 2.01404 2.12923 2.12257 1.25623 1.21445 0.95377 0.99959 1.14748 0.13282 0.00000 1.17066 1.18211 0.95966 1.58412 2.26617 3.14942 3.33824 2.33687 2.58368 Chlamydoph 2.36485 2.57748 2.35308 2.40577 2.11478 2.48390 3.40810 3.22368 2.54026 2.31143 2.67052 2.56403 1.91711 2.09670 2.10860 1.16411 1.17647 1.09194 1.15804 1.27234 1.15351 1.17066 0.00000 0.35988 0.93683 1.18651 2.26630 2.90016 2.86270 2.28242 2.46376 Chlamydia 2.35403 2.55462 2.44695 2.37372 2.04701 2.57963 3.28587 3.17939 2.52493 2.31287 2.73598 2.59489 1.99093 2.14620 2.14875 1.15332 1.17382 1.09731 1.16197 1.18968 1.16432 1.18211 0.35988 0.00000 0.98969 1.24042 2.20924 2.78604 2.98301 2.33451 2.58137 Synechocys 2.32222 2.22107 2.12513 2.65991 2.31986 2.35250 3.00417 2.84103 2.27491 2.28483 2.22721 2.33168 1.93088 1.95799 2.06378 1.00060 0.97850 0.97273 1.06035 1.07466 0.93316 0.95966 0.93683 0.98969 0.00000 1.21041 2.05470 3.24579 2.83582 2.25341 2.27730 Buchnera 2.25139 2.03687 2.00049 2.15453 2.09630 2.73566 2.33635 2.22277 2.08073 2.04048 2.42584 2.30318 1.79263 1.86139 1.90895 1.14333 1.05761 1.37444 1.35515 1.48006 1.61411 1.58412 1.18651 1.24042 1.21041 0.00000 1.90045 2.24771 1.94180 2.21196 1.92964 Pyrococcus 1.29158 1.25047 1.36111 2.23463 1.33347 2.13377 2.48059 2.68187 2.10232 2.04258 2.06117 2.30995 2.12479 2.32578 2.33123 1.82609 1.81031 2.38003 2.45311 2.40008 2.30123 2.26617 2.26630 2.20924 2.05470 1.90045 0.00000 1.55617 2.40773 1.81848 2.02005 Deinococcu 1.87053 2.11814 1.89975 2.95914 1.61918 3.05496 3.68562 3.63280 2.77243 3.12965 2.95466 3.24900 3.22709 3.13384 2.90253 2.86498 2.75584 3.26169 3.30493 3.09435 3.31321 3.14942 2.90016 2.78604 3.24579 2.24771 1.55617 0.00000 3.23242 2.66298 2.92382 Rickettsia 2.12896 2.09787 2.09408 1.70988 1.23258 1.44175 2.00597 2.06651 1.59483 1.28561 1.45821 1.57409 2.72972 2.89443 2.94325 2.70721 2.55929 2.85486 2.98562 2.80734 3.25594 3.33824 2.86270 2.98301 2.83582 1.94180 2.40773 3.23242 0.00000 3.00513 2.89636 Treponema 1.85151 2.00463 1.97836 2.79462 2.43100 2.47056 2.95307 2.85564 2.30043 2.26825 2.26021 2.29675 1.86707 1.87373 1.89626 2.11402 2.19295 2.35929 2.40214 2.47713 2.30236 2.33687 2.28242 2.33451 2.25341 2.21196 1.81848 2.66298 3.00513 0.00000 1.16728 Borrelia 1.96671 1.94201 1.94948 2.78397 1.75250 2.61989 2.83648 2.74831 2.24023 2.22202 2.18796 2.44139 2.05703 2.16405 1.99306 2.25692 2.20329 2.42866 2.52512 2.51193 2.46584 2.58368 2.46376 2.58137 2.27730 1.92964 2.02005 2.92382 2.89636 1.16728 0.00000 Average distance (over all possible pairs of sequences): 2.13981 TREE SEARCH Quartet puzzling is used to choose from the possible tree topologies and to simultaneously infer support values for internal branches. Number of puzzling steps: 10000 Analysed quartets: 31465 Unresolved quartets: 1159 (= 3.7%) Quartet trees are based on approximate maximum likelihood values using the selected model of substitution and rate heterogeneity. QUARTET PUZZLING TREE Support for the internal branches of the unrooted quartet puzzling tree topology is shown in percent. This quartet puzzling tree is not completely resolved! :---Pyrococcus :-------------------------------------93: : :---Deinococcu : : :---Corynebact : :-----95: : : :---Mycobacter : : : : :---Mycoplasma : : :-76: : : : :---Mycoplasm2 : : : :-76: :-61:-------Helicobact : : :-------------------------85: : : : : : :-------Campylobac : : : : : : : : : :-------Aquifex : : : : : : : : :---Thermotoga : : : :-----60: : : : : :---Bacillus : : : : : : : :-----------Rickettsia : : : : :-90: :---Treponema : : :-----------------------------95: : : : :---Borrelia : : : : : : :---Chlamydoph : : : :-------------99: : : : : :---Chlamydia : : : : : : : : :---Cricetulus : : : : :-99: :-72: : : :-98: :-98: :---Homosapien : : : : : : : : : : :-85: : : :-67: :-------Celegans : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :---Arabidopsi : : : :-65: :-62: :-----80: : : : : : : :---Arabidops2 : : : : : : : : : : : :---------------Synechocys : : : :-97: : : : : : : : :---Ecoli : : : : : :-----------------77: : : : : : :---Haemophilu : : :-52: : : : : :---------------------------Buchnera : : : : : : :---Saccharomy : : : :-91: : : :---------------------83: :---Saccharom2 : : : : : :-------Schizosacc : : : :-----------------------------------------------Archaeoglo : :---------------------------------------------------Methanococ : :---------------------------------------------------Methanobac Quartet puzzling tree (in CLUSTAL W notation): (Methanobac,(((Pyrococcus,Deinococcu)93,(((Corynebact,Mycobacter)95, ((Mycoplasma,Mycoplasm2)76,Helicobact,Campylobac,Aquifex)61, (Thermotoga,Bacillus)60,Rickettsia)85,((Treponema,Borrelia)95, (((((Chlamydoph,Chlamydia)99,((((Cricetulus,Homosapien)99, Celegans)98,(Arabidopsi,Arabidops2)80)67,Synechocys)62)98, (Ecoli,Haemophilu)77)65,Buchnera)97,((Saccharomy,Saccharom2)91, Schizosacc)83)52)85)90)76,Archaeoglo)72,Methanococ); BIPARTITIONS The following bipartitions occured at least once in all intermediate trees that have been generated in the 10000 puzzling steps: Bipartitions included in the quartet puzzling tree: (bipartition with sequences in input order : number of times seen) ********** *******..* ********** * : 9929 ********** ********** **..****** * : 9869 ********** *******... .....***** * : 9835 ********** *******... ********** * : 9755 ********** *****..... ......**** * : 9704 ********** ********** *********. . : 9519 ********** ..******** ********** * : 9486 ********** ********** ******..** * : 9295 ********** **.*.***** ********** * : 9085 ***....... .......... ......**.. . : 8967 ***....... ..******** ********.* * : 8503 ********** **........ ......***. . : 8470 ********** **...***** ********** * : 8289 ********** ********** ..******** * : 8049 ********** *****..*** ********** * : 7684 ***....... .......... .......... . : 7603 ******..** ********** ********** * : 7563 **........ .......... .......... . : 7210 ********** *******... ..******** * : 6668 ********** *****..... .....***** * : 6498 ********** *******... ..**.***** * : 6244 ***.....** ********** ********** * : 6051 ********.. ********** ********** * : 6044 ********** **........ ......**** * : 5233 Bipartitions not included in the quartet puzzling tree: (bipartition with sequences in input order : number of times seen) ********** **...***** *********. . : 4591 ***..***** ********** ********** * : 4549 ********.. ..******** ********.* * : 4169 ********.. ********** ********.* * : 3547 ********** *****..*** *****.**** * : 3264 ********** *******... ....****** * : 2973 ********** ********** ..**.***** * : 2958 *********. ********** ********.* * : 2831 ***.*.**** ********** ********** * : 2819 ***..*..** ********** ********** * : 2422 ********** ..******** ********.* * : 2397 *****...** ********** ********** * : 2319 ***....... ********** ********.* * : 2152 *..******* ********** ********** * : 2012 ********** ********** .***.***** * : 1847 ********** ******.*** *****.**** * : 1754 ***...**** ********** ********** * : 1752 ***.*...** ********** ********** * : 1635 ********.. ..******** ********** * : 1480 ****.*..** ********** ********** * : 1454 (549 other less frequent bipartitions not shown) MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD BRANCH LENGTHS ON QUARTET PUZZLING TREE (NO CLOCK) Branch lengths are computed using the selected model of substitution and rate heterogeneity. :---27 Pyrococcus :---32 : :---------28 Deinococcu :--54 : : :--11 Corynebact : : :----33 : : : :---12 Mycobacter : : : : : : :--7 Mycoplasma : : : :-------34 : : : : :--8 Mycoplasm2 : : : : : : : :------4 Helicobact : : :---35 : : : :-----5 Campylobac : : : : : : : :----6 Aquifex : : :-----37 : : : : :-----9 Thermotoga : : : :-36 : : : : :---10 Bacillus : : : : : : : :--------29 Rickettsia : :--53 : : :----30 Treponema : : :----38 : : : :-----31 Borrelia : :--52 : : :--23 Chlamydoph : : :----39 : : : :--24 Chlamydia : : :--45 : : : : :-18 Cricetulus : : : : :--40 : : : : : :-19 Homosapien : : : : :---41 : : : : : :----20 Celegans : : : : :--43 : : : : : : :-21 Arabidopsi : : : : : :----42 : : : : : :-22 Arabidops2 : : : :-44 : : : :---25 Synechocys : : :-47 : : : : :--16 Ecoli : : : :--46 : : : :--17 Haemophilu : : :---48 : : : :-----26 Buchnera : :--51 : : :--13 Saccharomy : : :-49 : : : :----15 Saccharom2 : :-----50 : :---14 Schizosacc :-55 : :-----3 Archaeoglo : :---2 Methanococ : :----1 Methanobac branch length S.E. branch length S.E. Methanobac 1 0.50457 0.04527 32 0.33950 0.05210 Methanococ 2 0.39833 0.04057 33 0.53498 0.04980 Archaeoglo 3 0.56626 0.04873 34 0.91908 0.07380 Helicobact 4 0.82444 0.06470 35 0.27748 0.04279 Campylobac 5 0.63550 0.12563 36 0.10138 0.03001 Aquifex 6 0.48302 0.04741 37 0.65048 0.06587 Mycoplasma 7 0.23379 0.03269 38 0.48113 0.05923 Mycoplasm2 8 0.26703 0.03353 39 0.43590 0.04233 Thermotoga 9 0.59455 0.04942 40 0.26690 0.03345 Bacillus 10 0.40242 0.04024 41 0.28319 0.03684 Corynebact 11 0.18455 0.02840 42 0.46978 0.04266 Mycobacter 12 0.32552 0.03376 43 0.16818 0.03208 Saccharomy 13 0.16314 0.02450 44 0.05610 0.02614 Schizosacc 14 0.34548 0.03464 45 0.27512 0.03931 Saccharom2 15 0.44716 0.03614 46 0.25101 0.03684 Ecoli 16 0.20501 0.02509 47 0.10823 0.05128 Haemophilu 17 0.16548 0.02352 48 0.39773 0.05689 Cricetulus 18 0.02994 0.01031 49 0.09696 0.02689 Homosapien 19 0.10142 0.01419 50 0.65360 0.06324 Celegans 20 0.53518 0.04295 51 0.27510 0.05187 Arabidopsi 21 0.05199 0.01369 52 0.22671 0.04807 Arabidops2 22 0.08340 0.01477 53 0.24639 0.04566 Chlamydoph 23 0.17296 0.02425 54 0.14559 0.03772 Chlamydia 24 0.18987 0.02513 55 0.09916 0.02979 Synechocys 25 0.39977 0.03849 Buchnera 26 0.61545 0.09728 Pyrococcus 27 0.32633 0.04947 Deinococcu 28 1.18645 0.12481 Rickettsia 29 0.97630 0.07011 Treponema 30 0.51511 0.05325 18 iterations until convergence Borrelia 31 0.64877 0.05822 log L: -32885.93 Quartet puzzling tree with maximum likelihood branch lengths (in CLUSTAL W notation): (Methanobac:0.50457,(((Pyrococcus:0.32633,Deinococcu:1.18645)93:0.33950, (((Corynebact:0.18455,Mycobacter:0.32552)95:0.53498,((Mycoplasma:0.23379, Mycoplasm2:0.26703)76:0.91908,Helicobact:0.82444,Campylobac:0.63550, Aquifex:0.48302)61:0.27748,(Thermotoga:0.59455,Bacillus:0.40242) 60:0.10138,Rickettsia:0.97630)85:0.65048,((Treponema:0.51511,Borrelia:0.64877) 95:0.48113,(((((Chlamydoph:0.17296,Chlamydia:0.18987)99:0.43590, ((((Cricetulus:0.02994,Homosapien:0.10142)99:0.26690,Celegans:0.53518) 98:0.28319,(Arabidopsi:0.05199,Arabidops2:0.08340)80:0.46978)67:0.16818, Synechocys:0.39977)62:0.05610)98:0.27512,(Ecoli:0.20501,Haemophilu:0.16548) 77:0.25101)65:0.10823,Buchnera:0.61545)97:0.39773,((Saccharomy:0.16314, Saccharom2:0.44716)91:0.09696,Schizosacc:0.34548)83:0.65360)52:0.27510) 85:0.22671)90:0.24639)76:0.14559,Archaeoglo:0.56626)72:0.09916,Methanococ:0.39833); TIME STAMP Date and time: Fri Jun 18 12:33:39 1999 Runtime: 10154 seconds (= 169.2 minutes = 2.8 hours)