The Most Important UNIX Commands
!!! In case your command is not recognized, remember that UNIX is CaSeSeNsItIvE !!!!

Basic File Commands:

|                                                                         |
| more filename                  Displays a file on the screen and pauses |
|                                at the end of each screenful. "Spacebare"|
|                                scrolls down one page, RETURN one line   |
|                                at a time options.                       |
| pg filename                    Displays a file on the screen and pauses |
|                                at the end of each screenful. RETURN     |
|                                scrolls down one page                    |
|                                                                         |
| cat filename                   Displays a file on the screen without    |
|                                pausing at the end of the screen. Use    |
|                                <CTRL><S> to stop screen output and      |
|                                <CTRL><Q> to restart output. There will  |
|                                be a time delay before screen output can |
|                                be stopped.                              |
|                                                                         |
| cp filename newfilename        Make a second copy of a file.            |
|                                                                         |
| mv filename newfilename        Renames (moves) a file to a new filename.|
|                                                                         |
| rm filename(s)                 Deletes (removes) one or more files.     |
|                                                                         |
| rmdir directoryname            Deletes (removes) an empty directory.    |

     Note: On standard UNIX systems there is no built in undelete
           command. If a file is deleted with rm it is gone forever
           unless there is a copy of the file on tape backup.

Basic Directory Commands:

|                                                                         |
| pwd             Shows your current connected directory.                 |
|                                                                         |
| cd directory    Changes your current connected directory.               |
|                                                                         |
| ls              Gives a directory listing.                              |
|                                                                         |
| ls -l           Gives a long form directory listing including           |
|                 protections and file sizes. See the manual page for ls  |
|                 by typing man ls if you are interested in other options |
|                 to the ls command.                                      |
|                                                                         |
| chmod filename  Changes permissions to read, write or execute a file    |
|                 e.g.: "chmod 777 *" gives read, write and execute       |
|                 permission to everyone and to all files in the directory|
|                  *="joker", for more information see                    |
| |
|                                                                         |
| ls -a           Gives a directory list of all files in the directory,   |
|                 including files which start with a ".". These are       |
|                 typically parameter files and are normally invisible.   |
|                                                                         |
| du              Shows the disk usage of the current directory.          |
|                                                                         |
| mkdir           Makes a new directory                                   |
|                                                                         |
| rmdir           Removes an existing empty directory.                    |

   One should also be aware of the use of the following UNIX directory

      |  .   Current working directory                     |
      |                                                    |
      | ..   Parent directory of current working directory |
      |                                                    |
      | $HOME User's home directory                        |

Commands for Aborting Programs:

Usually it is best to leave programs using the quit or exit commands, however
occasionally it is necessary to terminate a running program. Here are some
useful commands for doing this:

|                                                                         |
| <CTRL><C>     Aborts a running program without the option of restarting |
|               it later.                                                 |
|                                                                         |
| <CTRL><Z>     Pauses a program and returns the user to the genes%       |
|               prompt. The program can be restarted by typing fg         |
|               (foreground). If you type bg (background) the job will    |
|               also be started again, but in background mode.            |
|                                                                         |
| kill psid     Kills a process with the given process ID. This number is |
|               obtained using the ps command.                            |
|                                                                         |
| <CTRL><D>     Terminates a UNIX shell such as csh or sh. Use logout to  |
|               exit from your top level login shell. This command only   |
|               work at the genes% prompt.                                |

    Here are some commands which give information about your login
    sessions and jobs which you are running:

|                                                                         |
| uptime     Prints the current time, the length of time the computer has |
|            been running since the last shutdown, the average number of  |
|            users on the system, and the average system loads over 1, 5, |
|            and 15 minutes.                                              |
|                                                                         |
| ps         Shows your current processes and their status (running,      |
|            sleeping, idle, terminated, etc.).                           |
|                                                                         |
| jobs       Shows your active jobs and their status (running or stopped).|
|                                                                         |
| top        Shows the most active processes on the entire machine and the|
|            portion of CPU cycles assigned to running processes. Press   |
|            "q" to quit from top.                                        |

UNIX Command Summary:

Here is a reference list of some common UNIX commands.

|                                                                         |
| <CTRL><C>       Aborts a command or program.                            |
| <CTRL><D>       Terminates a UNIX shell level; closes a file.           |
| <CTRL><\>       Toggles terminal scrolling.                             |
| <CTRL><S>       Stops terminal scrolling.                               |
| <CTRL><Q>       Continues terminal scrolling.                           |
| <CTRL><Z>       Suspends running job.                                   |
|                                                                         |
| at              Submit script to the at queue for execution later.      |
| atq             Lists jobs waiting in batch queue                       |
| atrm            Removes a job from the at queue.                        |
| bg              Resumes a suspended job in background mode.             |
| cat             Shows file on screen. Can also be used to concatenate   |
|                 file.                                                   |
| chmod           Sets file or directory protections.                     |
| chsh            Changes login shell declaration.                        |
| cp              Copies files.                                           |
| du              Shows disk usage of a directory and its files.          |
| emacs           Enters the emacs full screen text editor.               |
| fg              Brings a background job back into interactive mode.     |
| finger username Identifies a user.                                      |
| groups          List the privilege groups to which a user belongs.      |
| jobs            Shows active jobs and their status.                     |
| kill            Kills a running process.                                |
| logout          Ends your terminal session with ICGEBnet.               |
| ls              Shows listing of files belonging to a directory.        |
| ls -a           Shows listing of files including hidden files.          |
| ls -l           Shows verbose listing of files including protections,   |
|                 size, date created, and originator.                     |
| man command     Shows the on-line manual page for a UNIX command.       |
| more            Shows a file stopping at the end of each page.  Can also|
|                 move backwards or search for a specific pattern.        |
| mv              Renames (moves) a file.                                 |
| passwd          Changes account password.                               |
| ps              Shows your processes and their status.                  |
| quota           Shows disk usage and permanent and working disk quotas. |
| rm              Removes (deletes) files.                                |
| script          Records terminal output to a file.                      |
| stty            Sets various terminal parameters.                       |
| talk            Interactively converse with another logged-in user.     |
| top             Shows the most active processes on the system.          |
| umask           Sets the file creation mask for file protections.       |
| w               Lists current logged-in users.                          |
| who             Lists current logged-in users.                          |
| whoami          Lists your username.                                    |

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