DataBank Searches at NCBI. Information Retrieval using Entrez.

NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) is a home for many public biological databases (see diagram below). All of the databases are interlinked, and they all have common search and retrieval system - Entrez.

For the interactive Entrez tutorial click here.

Use of Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to perform advanced searches.

Exploration of Limits, Index, History, Clipboard and Cubby features of Entrez.

Search Field Tags- Listed here.

Two types of connections between databases:

  • Hard links
  • Neighboring (Related sequences, articles, etc.)

Want to be informed about new sequences/articles in your research area? Check out these services:


In short, the services allow a user to define queries that are stored in the user's profile. Using these queries the searches are regularly performed against the updates to the databases, and then the user is informed (by email alert) if there is anything new that match the queries. Great way to save time!