Sequence Conservation within QuartOPs for Case #8

"#QuartOPs" column represents the number of QuartOPs detected with corresponding E-value cut-off ("Cut-Off" column). "Avg. %Seq Id" column shows the percent of identical sites in a QuartOP alignment (standard deviation is given in parentheses). "Avg. % Pairwise Seq Id" column shows the percent of identical sites between pairs of sequences along a QuartOP alignment (standard deviation is given in parentheses; positions with gaps were excluded from calculations).

Cut-Off #QuartOPs Avg % Id Avg. % Pairwise Id
10-2 235 18.59 (9.89) 40.53 (10.54)
10-4 222 18.99 (9.74) 40.92 (10.39)
10-8 200 19.82 (9.69) 41.83 (10.26)
10-20 144 21.95 (9.32) 43.84 (9.70)