Recommended Books for Further Reading

Bioinformatics : A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins (3rd Edition)
by Andreas D. Baxevanis, B. F. Francis Ouellette

The book gives an overview of many available computational tools. It focuses on the practical aspects of how to use the programs rather then on how the methods work from theoretical point of view. Good to use as a reference book. Slightly outdated now (published in 2004).
Bioinformatics And Molecular Evolution
by Paul G. Higgs, Teresa K. Attwood

This book covers in depth many topics that will be discussed during this class. Many of the topics are addressed with mathematical rigor. Highly recommended as an advanced text.
Bioinformatics for Dummies, 2nd Ed.
by Jean-Michel Claverie and Cedric Notredame

Practical and chatty bioinformatics introduction in the spirit of "for Dummies" series.
Molecular Evolution : A Phylogenetic Approach
by Roderic D. M. Page, Edward C. Holmes

The book gives excellent introduction to the area of molecular evolution. Does not go deeply into gory details, but gives a good overview of terminology and methods available.
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, 2nd Edition
by Dan Graur and and Wen-Hsiung Li

Excellend book for further introduction into concepts and models of molecular evolution.
Perl Programming for Biologists
by D. Curtis Jamison

Many tedious and repetitive tasks can be automated with help of Perl. Currently Perl is widely used in the area of bioinformatics. This book is an introductory book on Perl programming and assumes that a reader does not have any programming experience. Unlike other programming books, it focuses on biological coding examples.