on Assignments #7:
Most of the Macs in the Maclab do not have enough memory to run the problem in assignment6 3B.
The two
outfiles are here: without and with ASRV
When I used treeview (version 1.6.1) to open testseq5.phy or
testseq5b.phy which were got by using Clustalx, I can't open them
on my PC, the screen shows "syntax error 715", could you tell what
may cause that and how to solve it
The files
ending on .phy are sequence alignments NOT tree files. The trees to use as a starting point were
linked further down in the assignment.
In general, if you cannot open a file, check it out in a text
editor. In this case you used clustalx
to transform the format of the alignment (from clustal format to phylip format)
- you did not use it to create a tree.
When I do the question3 (part A), you write "calculate branch
lengths and likelihood values for the different trees", does that mean
to change "computer clocklike branch lengths" (z) from No to Yes.
No, you
don't want to assume a molecular clock, you just want to calculate
branchlengths and their confidence intervals for a tree topology you enter.
And I save the trees you gave to us as textfile (tree5b.txt) and delete
' in the textfile you mentioned, after that I run the Puzzle for
question3, and "enter the file name for the user trees" tree5b.txt or
> test1.phy (one the tree I saved), but I can't get results from "outfile,
outlm, outdist", I don't know why. How can I solve this problem?
On which
machine are you running puzzle? If you
do it under windows, you might want to start a DOS window, change to the PUZZLE
directory using the DOS command “cd”, and start the program by typing
puzzle. In windows, if you click on the
puzzle icon, it runs in a DOS Window, but the window closes as soon as the
program is finished. If the program
finishes with an error message, you never see the message, because the window
closes immediately after displaying the message. If you start Puzzle from within a DOS window, it stays open until
you close it.
reason you cannot open outfile might be there is nothing in it because the
program aborted with an error (due to wrong format, or out of memory...). To solve this see above comment on
windows. If the program finishes
normally (it tells you in the window), you should be able to open the oufile
with any text editor (notepad, word, simple text).
outdist file also is a textfile (the same distance matrix is also displyed in
outfile). The outml.eps file contains
the output from the ml-mapping (i.e. it is only generated if you do ml mapping
as in task#2. It has the same info as
the outfile but as a much nicer graphic.
You can open it with any program that reads postscript. I usually use Acrobat destiller (part of the
acrobat package), but any number of graphics programs will do. - But you really
can ignore this, as the same info is also in outfile.
I use Dos to run puzzle, and after enter a file name for
trees, if enter *.txt (for tree), the window shows "unable to
(sequences missing in tree)"; if enter *.phy, the window
"there is ' in the file". I don't know what I should do then.
asked for the sequences the file should be in phylip format (*.phy).
asked for the usertree, the file should contain a text file with the tree in
parenthesis notation. e.g., in case you
want to address the question if the red algae group in a clade with the green
algae the tree file containing two trees: would look like this:
the idea was for you to arrive at the two topologies yourself using the tree
editor that is part of treeview. Again, you need to delete the ' if you copy
and paste the trees from treeview into a text editor.
course, you need to make sure that the trees you supply, and the alignment you
use, have the same names for the sequences.
If , for example, in making the alignment file you left in some
prokaryotic sequences, these are not part of the tree, and the program will
tell you so. Could it be that you use
testseq5 for the alignment, and a tree that corresponds to testseq5b.phy, i.e.
a data set with many fewer species?