October 2016 in the Upper Valley

Union Village Dam, Thetford, VT

So little water this year

Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT

Solid State Change (2007) by Deborah Fisher.
Discarded Tires and Electrical Insulation.
Alludes to metamorphic bedrock underneath the college.


Orange and Blue

Love in the fall

Dartmouth College Campus, Hanover, NH

Reflections at Occom Pond

Pine Park

Foggy mornings on Sanborn Rd., East Thetford, VT

Quechee, VT

Quechee Gorge - Vermont's Little Grand Canyon

It is ~ 165 feet deep and 1 mile long

Carved by outflow from glacial Lake Ottauquechee

"Leaping Frog"

Nowhere to go for the roots

White River Junction, VT

Election time at the Main Street Museum


Four out of seven pumpkins grown in my garden this year

Carved with a Central Asian theme

Smiling in the dark...

...and then it started to move...

...and flew away.