Trip to Galapagos Islands, June 7-17, 2005

Island of Santa Cruz

View of Santa Cruz from the boat

The Charles Darwin Research Station

Olga, Barbara and Giant Tortoise

Land Iguana

Baby tortoises (4-5 years old)

Lonesome George

Tortuga Bay

Road to the Tortuga Bay


Lava Lizard

Lava Lizard


Marine iguana and tracks

Marine Iguana tracks on the sand

"Prickly heart"

Opuntia cacti

Ecuador is a Catholic country :)

Los Gemelos (the Twins)

One of the two pit-craters

Galapagos Dove

The Tortoise Reserve

"Phylogenetic Tree"

Tortoise shell

Tortoise in the mud

The Lava Tunnel

Punta Carrion

View of Santa Cruz

Lava Gulls


North Seymour

Frigate Bird flying over the boat on the way to the Seymor Island

Blue-footed boobie with a baby

Boobie in its nest

Dead boobie

Frigate birds: three males and one female

Marine iguana

Skull of a pelican

Land iguana

Daphne Mayor and Daphne Minor

Daphne Mayor

Daphne Minor

On miscellaneous beaches


Swallowtail Gull



Phil and Pelican